Friday, December 2, 2011

Gwyneth Paltrow talked on racial diversity and the Black community

'Shakespeare in Love' star Gwyneth Paltrow  has spoken out again about her cutting-edge coming of age experiences, specifically being at the forefront of the reform of race relations in America. Paltrow’s ability to annoy and irritate by being simultaneously unaware of her privilege while condescending every other person in the rest of America is so prolific, and her recent comments about her dad’s work on an 80′s TV show as a testament to her being down-ness is so tone deaf it’s almost offensive.

In an interview that's sure to have her many haters foaming at the mouth, outspoken actress Gwyneth Paltrow sat down with noted author/music executive Steve Stoute for his AOL Huff Post series, The Tanning Effect, and cleared her view on racial diversity and the Black community.  Why Upper East Sider GP is an authority on topics such as Black hair, diversity on magazine covers and representations of Black people in the media seems limited to the fact that her father, Bruce Paltrow, created a groundbreaking television show (The White Shadow, about a white guy who teaches basketball to inner-city kids) and her friendship with her besties, Jay-Z and Beyoncé. Nevertheless, here's some of what she had to say: